The Fleet
is a powerful, easy to use and user-friendly
software suite. The Fleet consist of four tightly
integrated, yet completely independent modules:
allows you to work flexibly and efficiently, having
user from different departments work together and
share all information. The program is designed
specifically for the needs of the shipping
company and is built on the solid foundation of our
experience in this market.
of the above modules can access some shared common
data like vessels, ports, agents, etc.
module allow you to keep full record of all
operations, messages, and positions that vessel had
while under your management, together with vessel
and port notes, port agent details, contact
It is possible to view the crew on board each
vessel, (if integrated with the crewing module) just by clicking on
Fleet allows “Per Port” or “Per Vessel” notes to be
entered and archived relevant to a specific date.
Abidjan, for example, has stringent “Customs
Declarations” requirements and the Ops team can make
a brief entry to this effect in the database. It
should then be ensured that the Fleet database is
always cross-checked for specific ports in the
future. The responsible Ops manager can then send a
quick reminder to the Master to “take care” or to be
aware accordingly, subject to the data entered.
Likewise problematic anchorages, difficult berths,
ports specific incidents etc. - in fact anything
that would be of interest and value to vessels in
the future and which could be used to minimize or
reduce the risk of incident. Is quality of tugs a
problem? Enter it in the database and therefore
ensure that all future Masters are reminded of the
fact. Is the holding ground in the outer roads poor,
or specific berths subject to groundswell? Record
it. Pro-active management is fundamental to
controlling and minimizing unwanted events. This
function, if the ops team have the discipline to use
it, greatly assists.
“Per Vessel” notes are excellent to maintain a
date-specified record of events particular to a
vessel. This could be, for example, propeller
damage, underwater inspection, main engine failure,
port state control intervention, etc. etc., the
contents of which can then be used in periodic
management reports, for example.
database contains an extensive list of world
already entered for your convenience.
The user can build up a comprehensive list of
word-wide, which will then be available to all users
of the software and can be integrated in positional
reports, for example.
Port, agent and
data are also shared with all other modules, if
Automated and fully retrievable storage of
defined fleet positional dataa
Data can be manipulated and interrogated, with
the information used to generate various
user-defined reports, from simple historic
position or port logs, through to
performance-related statistics such as fuel
consumption, speed, weather and sea conditions
during specific periods etc.
Reports can be used to compare sister vessel
performance, for example, over a defined period
of time or with respect to defined criteria –
benefits are clearly ease of identification of
performance related issues such as increased
fuel consumption or reduced performance – which
in turn can allow targeted corrective action to
prevent wasted bunkers, potential performance
claims from charter party etc.
Historic performance issues can be easily
assessed without the need for trawling through
archives of hard-copy log abstracts, log-books
and positional reports – all relevant
information is simply retrievable using the
defined parameters required – very useful for
that 11th hour performance claim that lands on
the desk many months after the event!
“Real Time” positional report can be generated –
as up to date as the last data imported/entered
– that can be used by the operations, technical
or crewing departments, for example, to monitor
current positional status, ETA’s, ETD’s, Agent’s
contact details etc. “End of Day” report can be
taken out of the office and provides immediate
“ready reference” for that 3.00 am problem call
with respect to a vessel – Who is the agent?
When does she arrive? What is the Master’s name?
(If integrated with the crewing module).
Fleet Documents
documents module enables you to track
certificate/document/survey date validity for both
vessel and crew members. You can define what kind of
documents you want to be tracked, and specify
particulars of each regarding specific crew member
or vessel. Then from one place, you can see status
of all or selected documents, when they will expire
module integrates in one place all various documents
used through all other modules, making it a snap to
find any document which is about to expire, and then
take corrective action.
Fleet Scheduler
Vessel Scheduler allows easy entry of vessel
specific time-relevant events such as docking or
repair periods, charter delivery/redelivery,
specific deployment periods (such as for utility
vessels like salvage tugs, survey vessels etc.).
Such information is displayed graphically against a
user defined date scale, with parameters such as
vessel name, event, time period etc. all
user-definable. With “drag and drop” simplicity,
the user can maintain or amend the designated
periods at the touch of the mouse.
Examples of use?
The Technical Director can see, at a glance, his
team’s planned docking/repair periods on a fleet
basis so that he can assess resource management and
forecast cash flow requirements, for example.
Further examples: The Operations/chartering team can
see, at a glance, planned vessel utilization fleet
wide and target their marketing efforts accordingly.
Fleet Personnel
This module enables you to plan
crew schedules and
test their feasibility. It makes use of Windows
features like 'drag and drop' and right mouse menus.
The system will warn you if you attempt to assign a
person to a position on board that they are not
fully qualified for, or if you try to assign anyone
who is unavailable due to leave, another duty,
training or sick leave, and also if you attempt to
assign incompatible people to the same vessel.
comprehensive vessel register with all required
technical and operational information on each vessel
in your fleet enables you to select crew on the
basis of their experience with vessel types, engine
types, radio types, etc. The program also has a
function that automatically alerts users on the
upcoming expiry of any person's certificates,
passports, visas or medical vaccinations. This way
you avoid all that painstaking searching through
files and reminder notes on your desk.
This tool enables you to effortlessly plan and
organize your crew scheduling with a minimum of
effort and a high degree of efficiency.
Vessel Operations
Integrated System
program is intended as an integrated solution to the
management needs of shipping companies of
all sizes.
Automatic transmission of data between central and
remote offices.
Virtually unlimited numbers of companies, ships
and persons can be entered.
Graphical crew planning and scheduling.
One click viewing of crew onboard.
Graphical display of all ships and their
Large ships register.
Only one database to maintain.
in all there are more than 50 predefined reports,
which include all the standard IMO reports as well
as a variety of others. Additional reports can be
generated and added to the system at any time.
System Requirements
Any PC capable of running MS Office 2000 SR-1
These are the minimum recommended system
Windows 98, NT or 2000
600 MHz or higher computer
128 MB RAM
10 GB hard disk space
VGA-Graphics - 800 x 600 S-VGA (1024 x 768